Friday, May 1, 2009

Learning Curve

First I have to say how grateful I am for this challenge. Not only has it helped me keep focus on what my weight loss goals are but it has changed the way we do things in our family too. So two weeks down and what have I learned? TONS!

1. I don't eat because everyone else is. I eat only when I am hungry instead of when I'm bored.

2. Sweets are a thing of the past. Don't get me wrong, I love a good desert now and again but if I'm needing something to satisfy my sweet tooth then there is nothing wrong with sugar free pudding packs or the many varieties of sugar free, low cal, carb smart treats in the frozen food isle. Not to mention the tons of 100 calorie packs.

3. Fast food has become a thing of the past. I craved it a lot, it's fun to do and honestly it is more convenient to just grab something for myself or the kids if we are out running errands. Instead we schedule time for lunch at home. Plan a healthy meal and take time to enjoy it. Instead of a happy meal they eat pb and j's, cottage cheese or string cheese, carrots or apple slices with water. I enjoy a low carb turkey or ham wrap (heated on the skillet or cold) with the same sides. Delicious!

4. The kids eat what I eat. If I don't buy it for them or have it around they don't know the difference. They'll chose something healthy to snack on instead of chips or fruit roll ups. Our dentist would be proud too! Sugar free pudding packs with whip cream instead of banana splits works just fine!

5. If I want to go for a 30 min. walk guess who has to come with me. If I go in the back yard to do some exercises guess who follows me. When I get a work out guess who else is getting a work out!

6. The money we've saved on grabbing fast food is great. The discipline it has taken to not eat when I'm bored and to cut out sweets has been amazing. The time spent together eating lunches and being creative with lunch ideas has been fun.

So all in all, I'm amazed on the changes it's made not only to me physically but to the changes it has brought to my family. What started as a fun way to lose baby fat has already become a lifestyle change for my family.

Thanks Summer Slim Down 2009, we couldn't have done it without you!

~ Rebecca ~

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