Saturday, April 25, 2009

breastfeeding diet

well family- according to medical research, breastfeeding moms are advised to wait for 2 months before engaging in any sort of diet or eating regimen. Apparently I am still eating for two (two boobs that is) but I will be thinking of you fondly for the next few weeks until June 23rd when I will be down in the trenches with the rest of ya'all.

I also read that women with a thyroid problem who can sing in harmony should not be dieting.

Oh and any woman who is around large sums of money all day and who has contact with cold hard cash is also advised to increase her sweets intake.

And I think I read somewhere that balding men over the age of 60 have a greater chance of being hit by lightning than of losing any substantial amount of weight.

Oh and I know for a fact that Greek men like their women with a little meat on their bones.

Just a little food for thought.

XOXO tam

1 comment:

  1. no one is making you do the diet. Plus, don't discourage those who have wanted to for so long.
