Monday, April 27, 2009

What's My Problem?

So it's the start of week 2 and I currently weigh exactly the same as I did after eating a giant Easter feast. Granted, the first week I didn't eat so well, i'll blame it on Grandma visiting, and last week snacking on healthy snacks but I haven't been going to the gym. I haven't been doing so good on the chart except for that part about 7 hours of sleep............ that one's easy!

So how can I get the motivation to exercise everyday? How do you guys do it? Are you doing it? Please tell me i'm not the only one and if I am, help me get out of this rut before it all goes to my gut, or butt! :)



  1. Well, week one was hard. All I thought about was being on a "diet" and that I can't eat good food all day long. I'm home all day long sitting only about 6 feet away from my kitchen and tons of food. Now that week two is here it's getting easier. It's become a habit now and I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat. I have that down to a simple routine that I can enjoy for a while. If I keep track of my points every day I know where I need to improve for the next day. It's nice to see it all working and exciting to think I can get back into my clothes some day. Just keep at it!

  2. ummm it's probably because you don't have any fat to lose.
